Selasa, 14 Juni 2016


TERRESTRIAL is a recurring event SMAN 3 Bandung is held every year .

This event was created to test the scientific capabilities of students of SMAN 3 Bandung

. Trilogy is a curricular who organized this event helped also by teachers of associated

. TERRESTRIAL there is also a race competitions such as making posters , quiz , and RBL

( Research Basic Leaning ) .Todak only race this event is also supplemented by several

food booths like ( grilled sausage , rice horeng , mojito , fries and and others.

RBL ( Resesarch basic learning) is the main race of the Terrestrial event for the students of class XI SMAN 3 Bandung . In this competition students must menapilkan or presenting an invention drawn from the lessons learned during in SMAN 3 Bandung .

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